Hawaii Reconnection

How we meet?
We meet in high school after we graduated we went our separate ways he went of and joined the army, and I started my career as a hairstylist...After a couple of years we reconnected I went and visited him in Hawaii we dated for a little over a year and we decided to get married at the courthouse on June fifteenth...
anjuanette and simon
The proposal story
A couple of weeks after we were going hiking to watch the sunset in a cave on Oahu and he proposed. I know kinda backward right but I completely wasn't expecting it at all it was so cute and so perfect with the engagement ring that looks just like the sunset in front of the sunset!
the proposal story
Congratulations to Anjuanette & Simon. We wish them a lifetime of happiness!

The waterfall adventure
Beach of love
Tea for two
A trip to New Orleans
Picnic in the woods
The Covid Engagement